In Home ABA Therapy
We offer in-home ABA therapy to clients in the Seattle, WA, Los Angeles, CA, and Hong Kong areas. In home therapy allows for full customization of ABA services to be tailored to the client's home and real life. It promotes generalization as skills are taught in the most natural setting for learners. In home therapy also allows for the highest level of family involvement in the therapy process promoting better learning outcomes than other services delivered outside the home.
These services are offered in the Seattle, Los Angeles and Hong Kong areas.
In School ABA Therapy
We offer ABA school support services to clients enrolled in private schools. ABA support in schools allows clients to access ABA therapy during school hours while supporting clients helping them be successful in the classroom and with peers.
These services are offered in the Seattle, Los Angeles and Hong Kong areas.
Telehealth Services
We offer Telehealth services to clients worldwide. These services are determined on a case-by-case basis and not all clients will qualify for Telehealth services.
We offer academic tutoring services in Reading, Writing, and Math and tutoring in social language skills. These services are provided using evidenced based principles allowing us to guarantee progress and help learners catch up and get ahead academically. Our learners make 1-3 years of progress in less than one year of time.
These services are offered virtually and worldwide.
Advocacy, Parent Support and IEP Support
We offer advocacy services to help clients with school placement and the IEP process.
These services are offered world-wide.